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Building Management System

Building Management System

ADMA offers an extensive line of quality and feature-rich BMS systems using common and standardized protocols like BACnet and Modbus designed for dependable long term performance. ADMA can offer you:

We provide a complete HVAC electrical & lighting services solution for commercial, educational and industrial buildings through affordable automation, accurate measurement & verification, and insightful analytics.

BMS solutions empower your business with a range of critical press button tools. They help:

  • Monitor the use of facility infrastructure - power, space, equipment, building systems, and even security - across geographies, from one location, and real-time.
  • Raise operational efficiencies with a combination of cutting edge hardware and proprietary software.
  • Network, monitor, and control individual components or equipment in a large, internet like universe.
  • Sharpen your business intelligence in areas that matter, i.e. cutting down wastage across your enterprise; optimal use of resources; and reducing day-to-day operational expenses.

Our Integrated BMS and consultancy services are all designed towards helping clients operate their facilities in the most efficient and economic way possible.

  • BMS Projects estimation.
  • BMS Risers designs
  • BMS controllers, software, and hardware.
  • Data gathering panels.
  • BMS drawings.
  • BMS field devices and sensors.
  • Systems cabling and conduits installation.
  • BMS systems programming and graphics configuration.
  • VAV control equipment and configuration.
  • FCU control.
  • Thermostats.
  • Air handling units and PACU control.